Steamed Squid Stuffed with Pork: A Tempting Flavor, Perfectly Plump Squid

19 Tháng 08, 2024

When preparing the steamed squid stuffed with pork, pay a little attention to the stuffing process and how the pork is packed into the squid. Along with that, the squid should be steamed until it's perfectly cooked, plump and juicy, and not overly dry or tough.

Mực nhồi thịt hấp
Steamed Squid Stuffed with Pork
Servings: 3
Prep Time: 30 phút
Cook Time: 17 phút


  • 4 squid ~ 800g
  • 130g minced pork
  • 50g raw ham
  • 6g wood ear mushroom
  • 2-3 dry onions, 3-4 garlic cloves, 1 small ginger
  • 10g green onion
  • 25g onion
  • 30g carrot
  • Spices: fish sauce, seasoning powder, MSG, oyster sauce, ground pepper, sugar
  • Toothpicks or skewers

  • 2-3 stalks of lemongrass
  • 40g green onion
  • 50g celery
  • 1 horn pepper
  • 170g onion
  • 1 ginger
Nguyên liệu làm Mực nhồi thịt hấp

Ingredient Notes

mực tươi

  • To make delicious steamed squid stuffed with pork, first you need to choose fresh, tasty squid. Also, select a squid with a thick, large body to stuff the pork filling into.
  • To prevent the filling from spilling out when steaming, you should prepare hard toothpicks or shorten the skewers, then clean them thoroughly.


Preparation of Squid

First, you remove the squid's head, discard the ink sac and beak among the tentacles. You should take out the backbone and remove the slimy membrane inside the squid's body. The outer skin can be peeled or left as desired, as it will peel off during the stuffing and steaming process.

Sơ chế mực sạch sẽ

Next, to clean and reduce the squid's fishy smell, you should use coarse salt and ginger wine to rub the squid. Afterwards, wash it thoroughly, especially inside the body, and let it dry.

Preparation of stuffing

Phần nhân thịt nhồi mực gồm có thịt xay và giò sống
The stuffing includes ground meat and raw pork paste...
thêm mộc nhĩ, cà rốt, hành tây, hành tỏi gừng, đầu hành
plus wood ear mushrooms, carrots, onions, garlic, ginger, and spring onion
xay nhỏ hành tỏi gừng đầu hành hành tây cà rốt mộc nhĩ
Aside from the ground meat and pork paste, chop the remaining ingredients finely
Trộn phần nhân thịt
Mix all ingredients together

Then marinate the stuffing with:

  • 1 teaspoon of seasoning powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of MSG
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of oyster sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of fish sauce

Mix well and let the stuffing absorb the spices for about 10-15 minutes.

Preparation of steaming ingredients

Các nguyên liệu hấp kèm với mực

When steaming squid, like beer-steamed, lemongrass and ginger steamed squid... you should prepare some celery, onions, spring onions, chili peppers and ginger for serving. These ingredients will enhance the aroma, giving a crispy and sweet taste without being greasy.

Sơ chế các nguyên liệu hấp kèm mực

Accordingly, you should chop the onions.

Cut the celery into 4-5cm long pieces.

Slice the chili pepper diagonally, half of it should be julienned.

Julienne the ginger.

Keep the spring onions whole, wash them thoroughly.

Crush the lemongrass and cut it into chunks.

Making Stuffed Squid

Use a small spoon to scoop the stuffing and stuff it into the body, pushing gently. Avoid stuffing too tightly and too full, as the stuffing will overflow when steamed. It's best to just stuff it halfway, leaving about 2cm from the opening.

Làm mực nhồi thịt

Then stuff the squid's head in. Use a sharp toothpick or skewer to close the squid's opening, preventing the stuffing from leaking during steaming. Continue this way until all the prepared ingredients are used up.

Steaming Stuffed Squid

Add water to a pot/pan, the amount of water should be about half the distance from the bottom to the steamer's position. Add the crushed lemongrass to the water and bring to a boil.

Hấp mực nhồi thịt 13-15 phút

When the water boils, place the squid in the steamer. Cover the pot, keep the heat medium. The average steaming time for stuffed squid is about 15-20 minutes depending on the amount of squid. In this case, with the amount of ingredients as above, it will be steamed for 13 minutes.

Cho thêm các nguyên liệu hấp kèm để mực nhồi thịt ngon hơn

After 13 minutes, uncover the pot, scatter ingredients such as onions, celery, ginger, chili, and spring onions around for steaming. Then cover the lid and continue steaming for another 2 minutes. Steaming like this will keep the ingredients crispy and sweet, without being mushy.

After a total of 15 minutes of steaming, the stuffed squid is now cooked. You can check the doneness by piercing the squid with a toothpick. If the stuffing does not stick to the toothpick, it's cooked inside. Turn off the heat, serve the squid along with the steamed ingredients on a plate.

Mực nhồi thịt hấp
Mực dồn thịt hấp
Thành phẩm mực nhồi thịt hấp thơm ngon

The steamed stuffed squid is fully cooked, the body is plump, and the aroma is irresistible. Slice the squid into bite-sized pieces. The stuffing inside is cooked, moist, and flavorful. This dish can be served with chili sauce, tomato sauce, pepper lemon chili seasoning, or ginger garlic chili fish sauce, all are delicious.

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