How to make delicious Tuna in Tomato Sauce, with a thick and rich sauce

21 Tháng 08, 2024

Tuna in Tomato Sauce is a delicious savory dish, especially it can be eaten with rice, noodles, or bread. The way to make Tuna in Tomato Sauce is not difficult, just pay a little attention to the way to pre-process tuna to eliminate the fishy smell as well as to reduce the toxins in this type of sea fish.

Cá ngừ sốt cà chua
Tuna in Tomato Sauce
Servings: 4
Prep Time: 25 phút
Cook Time: 30 phút


  • 5 pieces of Tuna ~ 850g
  • 5-6 tomatoes ~ 450g
  • 100ml green tea water
  • 3 onions, 2-3 garlic cloves, 1 big ginger
  • Hot Pepper
  • 5g cornstarch
  • Salt
  • Spices: seasoning powder, fish sauce, MSG, ground pepper, ketchup, hot sauce, tomato sauce (if available)
  • Scallions, dill
Nguyên liệu làm Cá ngừ sốt cà chua

Ingredient Notes

Chọn cá ngừ tươi

  • For Tuna, you should choose to buy at reputable places, ensure a bit to buy fresh fish. Because in the stale or old tuna, Histamine toxin is easily produced, causing abdominal pain, digestive disorders, or dizziness...

Nước chè xanh để kho cá biển

  • Green tea water is effective in eliminating the fishy smell of sea fish like tuna, mackerel, and herring. If there's no green tea, you can replace it with filtered water or fresh coconut water to stew the tuna, which is also very delicious.

Các nguyên liệu để làm nước sốt cà chua

  • Besides tomatoes, ketchup + hot sauce + tomato sauce helps the sauce to become smooth, enhance the taste, and greatly increase the color. If you do not use these spices, increase the amount of tomatoes a bit.
  • In this method, Cookbeo uses cornstarch with the purpose of creating a blended thickness for the tomato sauce. You can replace cornstarch with cornflour, which also has a similar effect.


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