How to make tender and smooth tomato sauce meatballs with a rich and creamy sauce

25 Tháng 08, 2024

Making tomato sauce meatballs is not difficult, but with a little finesse you can achieve tender, juicy meatballs that are not dry or crumbly. In addition, the tomato sauce is smooth, well-blended, and rich in flavor, with a hint of tangy sweetness that is irresistible.

Thịt viên sốt cà chua
Tomato Sauce Meatballs
Servings: 5
Prep Time: 20 phút
Cook Time: 25 phút


  • 450g ground meat
  • 150g raw ham hocks
  • 10g wood ear mushroom, shiitake mushroom
  • 5-6 tomatoes ~ 450g
  • 3 dry onions
  • Green onion, coriander
  • 5g cornstarch
  • Tomato paste, chili sauce, tomato sauce (if available)
  • Spices: fish sauce, seasoning powder, MSG, ground pepper, oyster sauce, sugar
Nguyên liệu làm Thịt viên sốt cà chua

Ingredient Notes

  • To make meatballs that are sticky and rich without being dry, choose the pork shoulder. This cut of meat includes both lean meat and a little fat, making it very rich.

Nên chọn phần thịt nạc vai và có thêm giò sống để tăng độ kết dính cho thịt viên

  • Raw ham hocks help to provide the ground meat with more stickiness and elasticity. If you cannot find raw ham hocks, when buying ground meat, you can ask the seller to grind a bit more fat to mix with the meat.

Ngoài cà chua, nếu có thêm tương cà, tương ớt, sốt cà chua để nước sốt ngon, sánh và màu đẹp hơn

  • In addition to tomatoes, to enhance the flavor and color of the tomato sauce, you can use tomato paste, chili sauce, and if available, tomato sauce (the kind often used for spaghetti bolognese).
  • Cornstarch helps to create a smooth and creamy texture for the tomato sauce. If you do not have cornstarch, you can substitute with corn flour.


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