How to Cook Tender and Rich Chayote Stir-fried with Pork

August 19, 2024

In addition to stir-fried chayote with beef, you can also cook it with pork for an equally delicious and enticing flavor. Let's note down the recipe for chayote stir-fried with pork to diversify your family meal menu.

Su su xào thịt lợn
Chayote Stir-fried with Pork
Servings: 4
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 7 minutes


  • 3 chayotes
  • 1 carrot
  • 250g pork shoulder
  • 3 dry onions, 1 small garlic
  • Spring onion, Vietnamese coriander
  • Seasonings: seasoning powder, oyster oil, MSG, fish sauce, ground pepper
Nguyên liệu làm Su su xào thịt lợn


Prepare the ingredients

Peel the chayote, remove the core and seeds, and slice it into pieces about 0.4-0.5cm thick. Peel the carrot and slice it similarly, but slightly thinner as carrots take longer to cook than chayote.

When peeling the chayote, wear gloves or peel under running water to prevent the chayote's sap from sticking to your hands and causing them to darken.

Su su và cà rốt sau khi cắt gọt

After chopping, marinate the chayote and carrot with 1/2 tablespoon of seasoning powder.

Thịt nạc vai thái mỏng, ướp dầu hào

Clean the pork shoulder with coarse salt. Once drained, slice it thinly and marinate with 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce.

For stir-fried chayote with pork, you can use pork shoulder, pork cheek, or pork tenderloin.

Slice the shallots and garlic into thin pieces or mince them according to your preference.

Chop the green onions and Vietnamese coriander finely.

Stir-frying chayote with pork

Add about 2-3 tablespoons of cooking oil to the pan, heat the oil then sauté the shallots and garlic until fragrant. Add a little fish sauce for a richer aroma.

Xào thịt lợn ở lửa nhỏ để thịt không bị khô

Next, add the pork and stir-fry. Cook over low to medium heat to prevent the pork from drying out.

Mồi thêm ít nước khi xào su su cà rốt

When the pork is fully cooked, add the carrot and chayote. Since chayote and carrots release little water during cooking, to prevent these ingredients from drying out, remember to add a bit of water. Cover the pan, cook over low to medium heat.

The cooking time for chayote and carrot is about 4-5 minutes until the chayote is cooked to a certain softness, not crunchy. If you prefer softer chayote, cook it a little longer.

Xào su su cà rốt với thịt lợn

When the chayote and carrot are cooked, taste and adjust the seasoning to your liking, including oyster sauce, a tiny bit of MSG, and fish sauce. Stir well, then add the green onions and Vietnamese coriander, sprinkle a little black pepper, stir quickly for another 6-8 seconds and then turn off the heat.

Thành phẩm su su xào thịt lợn
Su su xào thịt lợn

The stir-fried chayote with pork is very aromatic, the chayote and carrot are crisp and sweet while the pork is soft and rich. A very easy-to-eat stir-fry dish, with both vegetables and protein. Hope this appealing dish will appear in your family meal!

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