How to Make Vietnamese Bitter Melon Stir-Fried with Eggs

September 9, 2024 4 minute read

Bitter Melon Stir-Fried with Eggs, also known as stir-fried bitter gourd with eggs, is a healthy and delicious dish. However, reducing the bitterness of the melon is a challenge for many home cooks.

Khổ qua xào trứng
Bitter Melon Stir-Fried with Eggs
Servings: 4
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 6 minutes


  • 2 bitter melons ~ 300g
  • 4-5 eggs
  • 2 shallots
  • Spring onions
  • Seasonings: Fish sauce, oyster sauce, MSG, ground pepper, seasoning powder
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Ingredient Notes

2 bitter melonsFor best results, select fresh, firm, bright green bitter melons that are free of bruising or wilting.

You can adjust the number of eggs according to your preference, but for 2 bitter melons, you should use at least 3 eggs.


Preparing the Bitter Melon

Soak and clean the bitter melon (also known as bitter gourd) in salt water. Trim both ends, cut it in half lengthwise, and scoop out the seeds and pith. Then, slice the melon thinly or to your desired thickness. Typically, Cookbeo slices it to about 0.2cm thick.

preparing bitter melon

To reduce bitterness, soak the sliced bitter melon in a bowl of ice water mixed with a little salt. The ice water and salt help to neutralize the bitterness and also make the melon crispier. For extra care, blanch the slices before soaking in ice water.

soaking bitter melon in ice water
After soaking for 10 minutes, drain the bitter melon in a colander.

Preparing Other Ingredients

Peel and finely chop or thinly slice the shallots.

Wash and cut the spring onions into segments about half the length of your finger.

Crack the eggs into a bowl and season with a bit of fish sauce, a little cooking oil, and a few drops of white wine if available. Beat the mixture until well combined.

beating eggs
These ingredients enhance the eggs, making them more flavorful, soft, and fluffy.

Cooking the Bitter Melon Stir-Fry

Heat 2 tablespoons of cooking oil in a pan and sauté the minced shallots and garlic until fragrant.

Next, add the bitter melon to the pan and stir-fry. If you prefer a crisp texture, stir-fry over high heat; for a softer texture, use a lower heat. Season with oyster sauce and MSG, and continue to stir so the melon absorbs the flavor.

stir-frying bitter melon

Once the bitter melon is cooked, pour in the beaten eggs. Stir quickly to prevent the eggs from clumping into large pieces and to ensure the eggs coat the bitter melon evenly.

stir-frying bitter melon with eggs

When the eggs are fully cooked, taste and adjust the seasoning as needed. Add the spring onions, cook for another 5 seconds, then turn off the heat.

finished bitter melon stir-fry with eggs

Sprinkle a little ground pepper on top for extra aroma, then transfer the dish to a plate.

delicious bitter melon stir-fried with eggs
Bitter melon stir-fried with eggs is especially beneficial for those with diabetes.
bitter melon egg stir-fry
This dish is also great for those on a diet, trying to lose weight, or women seeking menstrual regulation benefits from bitter melon.

How to Enjoy

Bitter melon stir-fry is best enjoyed hot, when the melon is crisp and not bitter, with a slightly sweet flavor. Eating it cold will bring out its bitterness and reduce its aroma.

Additional Information

Bitter Melon Stir-Fried with Eggs is not only delicious but also highly nutritious. Bitter melon is rich in vitamin C, making it great for detoxification and cooling the body.

Additionally, it is beneficial for heart health, boosts immunity, helps with anti-aging, and even has cancer-fighting properties. It's also popular among women for its skin-enhancing effects.

However, consuming too much bitter melon can be harmful, especially for those with low blood pressure, weak kidneys or liver, and digestive issues.

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