How to Make Vietnamese Eggs in Tomato Sauce
Although simple and quick to prepare in just 10 minutes, eggs in tomato sauce are delicious and perfect for serving with rice.
This dish is also known as scrambled eggs with tomatoes. If you're looking for a way to pair it with fresh herbs, check out the recipe for tomato and egg soup.
- 6 chicken eggs
- 3-4 tomatoes
- 4 shallots
- Green onions
- Common seasonings like fish sauce, seasoning powder, salt, MSG, ground pepper, sugar
Prepare the Ingredients
Crack the eggs into a bowl and season with 1/2 teaspoon of MSG and 2 teaspoons of fish sauce. To make the eggs fluffier and softer, add 1 teaspoon of cooking oil, then whisk the eggs thoroughly.
Peel and finely chop or slice the shallots.
Cook the Eggs in Tomato Sauce
Heat 2 tablespoons of cooking oil in a pan, then fry the shallots until golden and fragrant. Next, add the tomatoes and stir-fry.
To soften the tomatoes quickly and balance their sourness, add 1 teaspoon of salt. Lower the heat, cover the pan, and let the tomatoes cook until soft.
If desired, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of ketchup at this stage to give the tomato sauce a richer color.
When adding the eggs, continuously stir with chopsticks to prevent the eggs from clumping. Keep stirring until the eggs are cooked through. Adjust the seasoning with some seasoning powder, a little oyster sauce, fish sauce, and a pinch of sugar to reduce the sourness of the tomatoes. Adjust the seasoning to taste.
After seasoning, stir-fry for another 30-40 seconds to allow the eggs to absorb the flavors of the sauce. If you want a richer taste, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of oil at this stage, which will also give the eggs a glossy appearance.
Finally, add the green onions, and you can sprinkle a little ground pepper if you like a slight spiciness. Stir for a few more seconds, then turn off the heat.
In just 10 minutes, you can prepare a delicious dish of eggs in tomato sauce. This is a perfect choice for a family meal when you're busy and don't have much time for cooking. Not only is it tasty, but eggs and tomatoes are also very nutritious and provide a substantial amount of nutrients.
According to nutrition experts, tomatoes are rich in fiber and vitamins, making them ideal for those who don't consume many vegetables. Eggs, on the other hand, provide protein and minerals. This combination makes eggs in tomato sauce especially beneficial for those who are ill, physically weak, experiencing vision problems, or women during their menstrual period.