How to Make Fried Oysters with Eggs

26 Tháng 09, 2024 7 minute read

This recipe for fried oysters with eggs is not only delicious and appealing but also nutritious. It's quick, simple, and doesn't take much time to prepare.

Hàu chiên trứng
Fried Oysters with Eggs

Both oysters and eggs are highly nutritious foods. Combining these two ingredients creates a dish that's not only flavorful but also healthy. Studies show that when fried oysters with eggs are made, the protein in the oysters combined with acetylcholine in the eggs helps improve blood flow to the brain, which can alleviate headaches, tension, and stress.

fried oysters with eggs
Fried oysters with chicken eggs
Servings: 3
Prep Time: 15 phút
Cook Time: 10 phút


  • 250g oyster meat
  • 6 chicken eggs
  • 3-4 shallots
  • Green onions
  • White wine
  • Tapioca starch
  • Seasonings: salt, MSG, pepper, fish sauce
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Ingredient Notes

To make delicious fried oysters with eggs, it's best to buy fresh oysters in the shell and have the vendor clean and prepare them for you. If that's not convenient, you can buy packaged oyster meat from supermarkets or seafood stores.

fresh oysters

If you don't have tapioca starch, you can use flour instead, which helps clean and reduce the fishy smell of the oysters in the same way.


Preparing the Ingredients

Cleaning oysters is not difficult, but the main challenge is removing the fishy smell. Oysters, being seafood, have a distinct odor that not everyone may enjoy.

To effectively remove the fishy smell, after shucking and rinsing the oysters, gently rub them with a little white wine, salt, and tapioca starch, then rinse them again. Be gentle to avoid breaking the oyster meat.

Cleaning oysters
Cleaning oysters with white wine, salt, and tapioca starch

After cleaning, let the oysters drain in a colander. Once dry, marinate them with 1/2 or 1/3 teaspoon of ground pepper. Oysters are naturally salty, so there's no need to add more salt or fish sauce.

To prevent the oysters and eggs from breaking apart while frying, mix 1 teaspoon of tapioca starch with 1 teaspoon of water, and add it to the marinated oysters. The starch will help bind the oysters and eggs together.

Marinating oysters
Marinate oysters for about 10 minutes

While marinating the oysters, prepare the other ingredients. Crack the eggs and season them with:

  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of fish sauce
  • 1 teaspoon of cooking oil
  • A few drops of white wine for fragrance

Beat the eggs until the yolks and whites are fully combined with the seasoning.

Beating eggs

Peel and thinly slice the shallots.

Trim the roots off the green onions, separate the white parts from the green. Mince the white parts and mix with the shallots, then chop the green parts and set aside.

Cooking Fried Oysters with Eggs

Heat 2 tablespoons of cooking oil in a pan over medium heat. Once the oil is hot, add the minced shallots and the white parts of the green onions and sauté until fragrant. Add a splash of fish sauce to enhance the aroma and reduce the fishy smell of the oysters when cooking.

Sautéing shallots
Sautéing shallots
Cooking oysters
Then add the oysters to the pan

Since oysters take longer to cook than eggs, sauté the oysters first. Lower the heat slightly and stir gently. You can cover the pan to help the oysters cook faster.

Cooking fried oysters with eggs
After about 2 minutes, pour the eggs over the oysters

For a more aesthetically pleasing dish, you can arrange the oysters evenly on top of the eggs. Then, sprinkle the chopped green onion over the top and cook on low heat.

Fried oysters with eggs in a pan
Sprinkle the green onions on top

Cover the pan and cook for about 4-5 minutes. Once the eggs are fully cooked, transfer the dish to a plate.

For extra fragrance, sprinkle a bit of crispy fried shallots on top about 15-20 seconds before turning off the heat. This is a great tip to enhance the aroma and flavor of the dish and reduce any fishy smell.

Finished fried oysters with eggs
Carefully transfer the finished dish to avoid breaking the eggs
Fried oysters with eggs
Fried oysters with eggs is best served hot. If left to cool, both the oysters and eggs may develop a stronger fishy smell. The dish has a bright yellow color, accented by the green of the onions. The oysters are sweet and tender, while the eggs are soft and flavorful.

This dish can be made quickly in about 20 minutes if you're using pre-shucked oysters. It's simple and nutritious, making it a great choice for boosting the health of your family.

Tips & Notes

Some tips for making delicious fried oysters with eggs

  • If you're not using tapioca starch, before serving, you can cut the dish into triangular slices (like pizza slices) to prevent the eggs from breaking apart.
  • Pay attention to the heat during frying. For this dish, it's essential to maintain a medium flame, and when simmering to cook the eggs through, lower the heat to ensure both sides cook evenly without burning.

Additional Information

What other delicious dishes can be made with oysters?

Besides fried oysters with eggs, there are many other tasty oyster dishes such as grilled oysters with scallion oil, grilled oysters with cheese, oyster sour soup, stir-fried oysters with butter and garlic, sweet and sour stir-fried oysters, stir-fried oysters with lemongrass and chili, oyster pasta, or oyster porridge.

Although oysters are delicious and highly nutritious, health experts recommend consuming them in moderation. Overconsumption of oysters can lead to nutrient buildup, potentially causing conditions like gout and cardiovascular disease.

It's generally recommended to eat oysters once a week, with a serving size of around 350g. For those with low energy or fatigue, you can eat a bit more—2-3 times per week in smaller portions. Combine this with light exercise and a balanced diet rich in vegetables to maintain good health.

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