How to Make Vietnamese Tomato and Egg Soup

18 Tháng 09, 2024 4 minute read

Tomato and egg soup is an easy-to-cook dish with simple ingredients, low cost, and quick preparation. It pairs well with rice or as a dip for fresh vegetables, making it both delicious and versatile.

canh cà chua trứng
Tomato and Egg Soup

This recipe uses chicken eggs, green onions, and cilantro. You can also add dill or tofu for variation.

Servings: 3
Prep Time: 5 phút
Cook Time: 10 phút


  • 3 chicken eggs
  • 5 tomatoes
  • Green onions
  • Cilantro
  • 3 shallots
  • Seasonings: fish sauce, MSG, seasoning powder
  • Fresh herbs for serving (optional)
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Prepare the Ingredients

Wash the tomatoes and divide them into two portions. Dice most of the tomatoes finely to help them soften while cooking, giving the soup a smooth texture and enhancing its color. Cut the remaining tomatoes into small wedges to add later in the cooking process, preserving their shape for a more visually appealing soup.

Wash the eggs, crack them into a bowl, and add 1 teaspoon of fish sauce to enhance the flavor. Beat the eggs until well mixed.

Peel and finely chop the shallots.

Trim the roots off the green onions and cilantro, discarding any yellowed leaves. Chop them into small pieces or 2cm lengths, as desired.

Cook the Tomato and Egg Soup

Heat 2 tablespoons of cooking oil in a pot and sauté the chopped shallots until fragrant and golden. Add the finely diced tomatoes and 1/2 teaspoon of seasoning powder to help the tomatoes soften and balance their acidity.

Once the tomatoes have softened, add enough water to make the soup. For example, use 1.2-1.5 liters of water for 3 servings.

Cooking tomato and egg soup
Steps to cook tomato and egg soup

Once the soup comes to a boil, reduce the heat slightly and let it simmer for another 2 minutes to allow the tomatoes to release their sweet and tangy flavors. Then, add the tomato wedges.

Next, slowly pour in the beaten eggs while continuously stirring with chopsticks to create thin egg ribbons rather than clumps. For finer ribbons, you can strain the egg mixture through a sieve as you pour, stirring continuously. This will help form delicate, beautiful egg patterns.

When the soup returns to a boil, season it to taste. For the given ingredients, add about 4 teaspoons of seasoning powder, 1/2 teaspoon of MSG, and 3 teaspoons of fish sauce. Adjust the seasonings to your preference, especially if you plan to use the soup as a dip for fresh vegetables—you can make it slightly saltier than usual.

Let the soup cook for another minute until the eggs are fully set. Add the green onions and cilantro, stir for 5-6 seconds, then turn off the heat and ladle the soup into bowls. You can also place the herbs in the bowl first and pour the hot soup over them.

The tomato and egg soup is fragrant, with a mild, sweet-sour flavor that is very appetizing. It’s best enjoyed hot and is very healthy. The soup’s vibrant color, with its swirling white egg ribbons among the red-orange tomatoes, has earned it the poetic name ‘White Clouds Drifting in a Red Sky.’

Final Product Requirements

Tomato and egg soup
Finished dish

It is best to enjoy tomato and egg soup while hot to avoid any fishy smell that may develop when cooled.

The soup has a vibrant color, with the red-orange hue of the tomatoes, the golden yellow of the eggs, and the green of the scallions. The soup has a mild sour taste and a light, non-greasy broth, making it very easy to eat.


Images in the article and video may differ but follow the same method.

Tips & Notes

  • You can use either chicken eggs or duck eggs to make this soup, but chicken eggs, especially free-range ones, will have a better aroma and be less fishy.
  • If you prefer a more sour taste, you can use more tomatoes or add 1-2 pieces of sau fruit or tamarind.
  • Skim the foam while cooking to keep the soup clear.

With just a few simple steps and common ingredients, you can make a delicious bowl of tomato and egg soup. Despite its simplicity, this dish is very healthy, offering cooling properties and essential vitamins and fiber for the digestive system.

This soup pairs perfectly with savory dishes like crispy caramelized pork, crunchy pickled vegetables, or as a dipping broth for fresh greens.

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