How to Make a Watermelon Smoothie

September 7, 2024 3 minute read

Watermelon Smoothies don’t offer as many mixing possibilities as avocado smoothies. If desired, you can mix watermelon with yogurt. Other options include bananas, mangoes, or oranges, though these combinations are less common.

Sinh tố dưa hấu
Watermelon Smoothie

Take a moment to learn what makes watermelon smoothies unique and who they’re perfect for.

First, unlike avocados, watermelon is very low in calories. One glass of watermelon juice contains only 46 calories but is rich in Vitamins C and A. Watermelon also contains a lot of water (92%).

watermelon smoothie
Eating watermelon is a great way to stay hydrated.
154g of watermelon contains
Vitamin C 21%
Vitamin A 18%
Potassium 5%
Magnesium 4%
Vitamins B1, B5, and B6 3%

Researchers have studied compounds in watermelon and found that cucurbitacin E and lycopene have anti-cancer properties.

Watermelon is also beneficial for heart and eye health, thanks to its lycopene, citrulline, and other minerals that help prevent age-related macular degeneration.

Gym-goers and athletes should consume watermelon as it helps reduce muscle soreness. The amino acid citrulline in watermelon aids in muscle recovery.

Because watermelon is rich in Vitamins A and C and high in fiber, it’s also great for skin and hair. Regular consumption can also improve digestion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is watermelon hot or cooling?

Despite the common belief that watermelon is “hot,” it’s actually a cooling food. Its high vitamin and water content help cool the body.

How many calories does watermelon have?

A 240ml glass of watermelon juice contains about 46 calories—much less than avocados or bananas. Watermelon is an excellent choice if you’re looking to lose weight.

Servings: 3
Prep Time: 7 minutes
Cook Time: 3 minutes


  • 1/2 watermelon ~ 1.5kg
  • Sweetened or unsweetened milk
  • Condensed milk
  • Blender
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Ingredient Notes

Consider adding a container of yogurt to enhance flavor and support digestion, which is especially beneficial for children.

You can also add oranges, mangoes, or bananas if desired.


How to Make Watermelon Smoothie

Peel the watermelon and cut it into chunks. Use a knife to remove most of the seeds. Crush or finely shave the ice.

Add the watermelon, milk, condensed milk, and crushed ice to the blender. Watermelon blends very easily, so blending time is quick.

peeling watermelon
Peeling watermelon
making watermelon smoothie
Adding milk, condensed milk, and crushed ice
blending watermelon smoothie
Blending watermelon smoothie using a seed-filtering blender
pouring watermelon smoothie
Pour the smoothie into a glass and enjoy

It’s best to use a blender with a seed filter to catch any remaining seeds. Depending on the sweetness of the watermelon, you can adjust the amount of milk added to suit your taste.

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