How to Make Salt-Steamed Chicken That’s Delicious and Doesn’t Burn the Pot

August 28, 2024 7 minute read

How to make salt-steamed chicken that is incredibly delicious, with shiny, moist skin, a fragrant aroma, and, most importantly, chicken that isn't overly salty from the salt and doesn't burn at the bottom of the pot will be shared by Cookbeo in this article.

Gà hấp muối
Salt-Steamed Chicken
Servings: 3
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes


  • 1 whole free-range chicken ~1.3kg
  • 400g coarse salt
  • 10 stalks of lemongrass
  • Kaffir lime leaves ~40g
  • Ginger leaves (if available)
  • Fresh ginger ~30g
  • 1 onion
  • 1-2 chili peppers
  • 3-4 shallots
  • Aluminum foil
  • Banana leaves (if available)
  • Side dishes: cucumber, Vietnamese coriander...
  • Seasonings: ground pepper, turmeric powder (or fresh turmeric), seasoning powder or salt
nguyên liệu làm Gà hấp muối


Prepare the Chicken

Rub the chicken thoroughly with coarse salt, both inside and out, then rinse it clean. If you have white wine and fresh ginger, you can use these ingredients to clean the chicken further and enhance its fragrance.

Prepare the Other Ingredients

Wash the kaffir lime leaves and let them dry.

Trim any blackened or wilted parts from the ginger, wash it, and slice it.

Peel the outer, discolored layers from the lemongrass, wash it, crush it lightly, and cut it into sections.

Peel the onion, wash it, and slice it into half-centimeter rings.

Peel the shallots and slice them thinly.

Wash the chili peppers.

Wash the ginger leaves if available. Including ginger leaves enhances the aroma of the salt-steamed chicken.

preparing ingredients for salt-steamed chicken
Preparing the ingredients

Marinate the Chicken

Before steaming, marinate the chicken to infuse it with more flavor. Mince some ginger, lemongrass, and shallots, then mix them with 1/2 tablespoon of seasoning powder or 1 teaspoon of salt, along with 1 teaspoon of ground pepper. Rub this mixture all over the chicken, and place the remaining mixture inside the chicken’s cavity so that the ginger and lemongrass aroma permeates the meat during steaming.

marinating chicken
Marinating the chicken

If you want the chicken to have a beautiful golden color, you can rub a little turmeric powder or fresh turmeric juice on the chicken. However, don't use too much turmeric, as it can overpower the natural, delicate sweetness of the chicken meat.

After marinating, let the chicken absorb the flavors for about 15-20 minutes.

Steam the Chicken with Salt

First, line the pot with aluminum foil. To prevent the bottom of the pot from turning black, use about two layers of foil. Also, make sure to line the foil up the sides of the pot about two finger-widths high to reduce the risk of moisture dripping down and causing the bottom to burn. Next, spread a 1cm thick layer of coarse salt (~300g) across the bottom.

pot lined with salt and foil

Then, layer banana leaves on top to separate the salt from the other ingredients, preventing the salt from soaking back into the chicken and making it too salty. If you don’t have banana leaves, layer the lemongrass, ginger, etc., more thickly to create enough distance between the chicken and the salt.

adding banana leaves

Next, add a layer of lemongrass, ginger, onion, shallots, and chili peppers. Finally, place the chicken in the pot, scattering kaffir lime leaves and ginger leaves around it. Make sure the lemongrass and ginger don’t touch the sides of the pot, as they can easily create tough-to-clean black marks when steamed.

pot prepared with lemongrass, ginger, and kaffir lime leaves

When placing the chicken in the pot, try to avoid letting it touch the sides, as the skin could stick and tear during steaming. To cook the chicken more evenly, you can cut along the breast and spread the chicken out in the pot. If the chicken is too large for the pot, consider cutting it in half.

placing the chicken in the pot

At this stage, you can drizzle a few drops of white wine over the chicken to enhance its fragrance during steaming.

Cover the pot tightly, and turn on the stove to steam the chicken. For the first 3 minutes, keep the heat slightly higher to get the salt hot, then reduce to low heat. The average steaming time is about 30-45 minutes, depending on the chicken's weight and the heat. For a chicken weighing 1.2-1.3kg, it should be cooked in about 30-35 minutes.

steaming salt-steamed chicken
While steaming, avoid opening the pot to keep the heat inside. You can check if the chicken is done by piercing the thigh with a skewer; if no red juices run out, the chicken is cooked.
salt-steamed chicken in pot

Once the chicken is fully cooked, remove it and place it on a plate. You can enjoy it hot or cold, depending on your preference. Cookbeo personally prefers it hot, as it allows you to fully appreciate the aromatic and tender flavor of the chicken.

Unlike boiled chicken, salt-steamed chicken is more fragrant, with the aromas of pepper, lemongrass, ginger, kaffir lime leaves, and onions blending together. The steaming process with salt also helps retain moisture in the meat, keeping it tender and flavorful without drying out.

finished salt-steamed chicken
Finished salt-steamed chicken
bowl of lime salt and pepper for dipping
When serving, dip the chicken in lime, salt, and pepper or 'chẩm chéo' sauce to enhance the dish's flavor.

Cookbeo has shared how to make delicious salt-steamed chicken, and by following these steps, you won't have to worry about the pot bottom burning, as it’s well protected, and the ingredients are arranged properly. Best of luck with your cooking!

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