How to Make Vietnamese Rare Veal with Lime

29 Tháng 09, 2024 9 minute read

A restaurant-quality recipe for rare veal with lime. The tender veal is infused with the fragrance of lemongrass and ginger, served with sour starfruit, green banana, and spicy fermented soy sauce for an irresistible dish.

Bê tái chanh
Rare Veal with Lime
Servings: 4
Prep Time: 50 phút
Cook Time: 30 phút


  • 600g veal
  • 7-8 lemongrass stalks
  • 3 large ginger roots
  • 1-2 chili peppers
  • 2-3 medium galangal roots
  • 1 lime
  • Salt, ginger wine or white wine
  • Seasonings: oyster sauce, seasoning powder, salt, MSG, sugar, ground pepper
  • Roasted white sesame

  • Fermented soy sauce
  • Small piece of ginger
  • 1 chili pepper
  • MSG, sugar
  • A handful of roasted peanuts

  • 3 green bananas
  • 4-5 starfruits
  • 1 pineapple
  • Rice paddy herb, Vietnamese coriander
  • Vermicelli
  • 4-5 rice papers
Nguyên liệu làm Bê tái chanh


Prepare the Veal

Veal has a characteristic strong smell, so before cooking, soak it in white wine with crushed ginger and some salt for 5-6 minutes. While soaking, rub the meat thoroughly to clean it evenly. After that, rinse with water and let it drain.

Preparing veal with ginger and wine
Preparing veal with ginger and wine

Prepare Other Ingredients

Peel off the outer layers of the lemongrass and trim the ends. Clean the outer layers and ends and use them for steaming the veal. Thinly slice the rest of the lemongrass diagonally, dividing it into two portions: one for marinating and one for mixing with the veal after steaming.

Rinse the chili peppers, thinly slice one half for mixing with the veal, and finely chop the other half for marinating.

Divide the ginger into three portions. One portion will be crushed and used for steaming. The second will be finely chopped for marinating, and the third will be sliced into strips for mixing with the veal.

Peel and clean the galangal, then divide it into three portions like the ginger.

Dividing ginger, galangal, lemongrass, and chili
Three portions of ginger, galangal, lemongrass, and chili for steaming, mixing, and dipping sauce

Pick the herbs and soak them in salted water. After that, chop 2/3 of the rice paddy herb to mix with the veal, reserving the rest with the Vietnamese coriander for wrapping the veal.

Slice the starfruit and green banana into strips. To prevent browning, soak them in a bowl of water with lime juice and a bit of salt. Rinse them just before serving.

Preparing green banana and starfruit

Peel and core the pineapple, then cut it into strips.

Blanch the vermicelli in boiling water and let it drain.

After preparing the side ingredients like starfruit, green banana, pineapple, herbs, and vermicelli, arrange them neatly on a plate for easy serving.

Marinate the Veal

Before steaming, marinate the veal to enhance its flavor. Marinate with:

  1. 1 tablespoon oyster sauce
  2. 1/2 tablespoon salt
  3. 1/2 tablespoon seasoning powder
  4. 1/2 teaspoon MSG
  5. 1/2 tablespoon sugar
  6. 1/2 tablespoon ground pepper
  7. Chopped lemongrass, ginger, galangal, and chili
Marinating veal
Marinate the veal for at least 30 minutes.

If the veal is in large pieces, cut it into 2-3 smaller sections to help the seasoning penetrate better and shorten the steaming time.

Steam the Veal

Place the lemongrass, ginger, and galangal into a pot with enough water to just cover them, and bring it to a boil.

Setting up lemongrass, ginger, and galangal in the pot

Once boiling, place the steamer insert in the pot and add the veal along with the marinade ingredients. Cover the pot and lower the heat to a gentle simmer.

Steam the veal for 17-18 minutes, depending on the size of the veal pieces. You can check if it's done by piercing the veal with a chopstick. If bright red juice flows out, steam it a little longer. If the juice is light pink, the veal is ready.

Steaming the veal
Steaming the veal

Since this is a rare veal dish, avoid overcooking the meat, or it will become dry and lose its sweetness.

Once the veal is steamed, remove it from the pot and let it cool before slicing it thin. Slicing the veal while hot will cause the meat to crumble and make it difficult to get uniform, thin slices.

Make the Rare Veal with Lime

Place the thinly sliced veal in a large bowl and add chopped lemongrass, julienned ginger, chopped rice paddy herb, and diagonally sliced chili. Mix gently.

Squeeze the juice of one lime (about 3 tablespoons) over the veal, add 1 tablespoon sugar, a pinch of ground pepper, and 2 tablespoons of the veal steaming liquid. The steaming liquid helps keep the dish moist and flavorful. Toss gently and let the veal absorb the flavors for about 5 minutes. Then, sprinkle with roasted sesame seeds and plate.

Mixing rare veal with lime
Mixing rare veal with lime
Plating rare veal with lime
Plating rare veal with lime
Full dish of rare veal with lime
The full dish of rare veal with lime, served with pineapple, starfruit, green banana, herbs, and vermicelli, dipped in fermented soy sauce.

For the best flavor, the veal should have a prominent tanginess from the lime. You can adjust the amount of lime juice to suit your taste.

Make the Dipping Sauce for Rare Veal

Rare veal is traditionally dipped in fermented soy sauce, as the dish itself has a mild sweet and sour flavor but lacks saltiness.

Fermented soy sauce bottle
Fermented soy sauce

Fermented soy sauce has a strong, pungent taste, so add sugar and MSG to balance it, and mix in ginger and chili for extra warmth and fragrance. If you can't find fermented soy sauce, you can substitute with fish sauce.

For the dipping sauce, use the following ratio:

  • 2 tablespoons fermented soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon MSG

Mix well, then add 1 teaspoon chopped ginger, 1 teaspoon chopped chili, and 1 tablespoon crushed roasted peanuts.

Bowl of fermented soy sauce dipping sauce
Rare veal with lime, dipped in fermented soy sauce

How to Enjoy

This rare veal dish can be enjoyed with just the soy sauce, but it tastes even better when wrapped with fresh herbs, starfruit, and green banana.

To eat, take a rice paper, add a bit of vermicelli, 2-3 slices of veal, a piece of starfruit, a slice of banana, a piece of pineapple, and some herbs. Roll it up and dip it in the soy sauce to experience the harmony of flavors.

This dish is perfect for festive gatherings or as a delicious drinking appetizer. Save this recipe and treat your family on the weekend!


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