How to Make Vietnamese Beer Steamed Crab

September 16, 2024 5 minute read

Beer-steamed sea crabs with lemongrass are delicious, but many people are unaware of the correct steaming technique and how long to steam crabs for the best result.

Cua hấp bia
Beer Steamed Crab
Servings: 3
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes


  • 3 sea crabs
  • 5-6 stalks of lemongrass
  • 1 large ginger root
  • 1 can of beer
  • Cooking oil
  • Salt, pepper, lime, chili, and Vietnamese coriander (rau răm)
nguyên liệu làm Cua hấp bia


Crab Preparation

Sea crabs are often covered in mud and algae, so proper cleaning is necessary. Since live sea crabs are strong, make sure to tie them securely with string.

First, soak the crabs in a bowl of ice water for about 10 minutes. The cold will temporarily 'numb' the crabs, making it easier to untie them. Use a toothbrush or dishwashing brush to scrub the shell and claws thoroughly. Be sure to lift the apron (the triangular flap on the underside) and clean under it, as this area tends to be dirty and can have a foul odor. Additionally, soaking the crabs in ice water prevents the claws from falling off during steaming.

soaking crab in ice water
Soaking crab in ice water
cleaning the crab
Cleaning the crab with a toothbrush or scrubbing tool

Once the crabs are cleaned, place them in a bowl, ready for steaming.

If you're not cooking immediately, store the crabs in the freezer to keep them alive. Dead crabs result in less fresh-tasting meat.

If you want to quickly kill the crab for easier preparation, flip the crab over and locate the two small holes on either side of the chest area. Insert a sharp knife into those holes, and the crab will die quickly.

Choose live crabs for the best flavor. Look for crabs with intact claws, clear eyes, and active movement. When you pick them up, they should feel heavy, and pressing on the apron should not feel soft.

Prepare Other Ingredients

preparing lemongrass, ginger, and Vietnamese coriander
Preparing lemongrass, ginger, and Vietnamese coriander

Peel off the outer layers of the lemongrass stalks, rinse them, and lightly smash before cutting into 10cm pieces.

Clean the ginger, then slice it thinly or smash it slightly, depending on your preference.

Pick and clean the Vietnamese coriander leaves.

How to Steam Sea Crabs

Pour beer into a pot and place a steamer rack inside. Make sure the beer fills about half the distance from the bottom of the pot to the rack. You can add a few stalks of lemongrass into the beer for a fragrant aroma during steaming.

Turn on the heat and wait for the beer to boil before placing the crabs into the steamer. This ensures even cooking for all crabs. Add ginger and lemongrass between the crabs, cover the pot tightly, reduce the heat to a gentle simmer, and steam the crabs.

steaming crabs
Wait until the beer boils before adding the crabs

The average steaming time is around 20-25 minutes, depending on the heat. The best way to check if the crabs are done is to look at the shell; it should turn completely bright red-orange with no blotchy areas.

For a shiny, beautiful finish, even after the crabs cool down, brush a layer of cooking oil over the crab shells and claws when they are almost fully cooked. Cover the pot again and steam until fully done.

brushing oil on crab shell
Brush a layer of oil on the crab shell
beer steamed crabs
Crabs with no blotchy spots are fully cooked
two beer steamed crabs
Beer steamed sea crabs
beer steamed crab dish

Making Dipping Sauce for Beer Steamed Crabs

Steamed crabs are best enjoyed hot. When they cool down, the meat loses its sweetness and may become slightly dry. Serve the crabs with a dipping sauce made from salt, pepper, and lime, or use chili sauce. Pairing it with some Vietnamese coriander enhances the flavor.

beer steamed crabs with salt and green chili sauce
Salt and lime dipping sauce
bottle of green chili salt
A type of green chili salt available on the market

Additional Information

Sea crabs are relatively expensive, about 400k VND/kg per crab. However, sea crabs are highly nutritious, so occasionally, homemakers should buy and cook delicious crab dishes like crab soup, stir-fried crab noodles, or crab porridge for the whole family to enjoy.

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