How to Make Delicious Chicken Feet with Lemongrass and Calamansi, No Sliminess or Bitterness

August 27, 2024 6 minute read

Making chicken feet with lemongrass and calamansi so they turn out crisp, white, and without any sliminess, scum, or bitterness can be tricky. Check out Cookbeo's guide below for the perfect recipe.

Chân gà ngâm sả tắc
Chicken Feet with Lemongrass and Calamansi
Servings: 4
Prep Time: 40 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes


  • 15 industrial chicken feet (about 1kg)
  • 10 stalks of lemongrass
  • 15 calamansi (kumquats)
  • 6 bird's eye chili peppers
  • 2-3 horn chili peppers
  • Vinegar, sugar, fish sauce, rock salt, water
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Prepare the Chicken Feet

When you purchase chicken feet, make sure to peel off any remaining yellow skin, trim the nails, and rub the feet thoroughly with rock salt and ginger wine. Rinse well afterward.

You can keep the chicken feet whole or cut them in half depending on their size.

Prepare a pot of water and add some lemongrass (or the outer layers of lemongrass stalks) and crushed ginger. Bring the water to a boil, then add the chicken feet. The lemongrass and ginger help to clean, deodorize, and add a pleasant aroma to the chicken feet.

Boil the chicken feet for about 3-4 minutes once the water is boiling. Be careful not to overcook the chicken feet; they should be just cooked through. Overcooking can cause the chicken feet to crack, which can make them slimy and less visually appealing when marinated.

After boiling, immediately transfer the chicken feet to a bowl of ice water. This step helps to keep the chicken feet crisp and prevents them from releasing fat, which can cause scum. You can also squeeze some lemon juice into the ice water.

soaking chicken feet in ice water

Lemon juice helps to keep the chicken feet white.

Once the chicken feet have cooled, rinse them again with clean water to remove any remaining fat, then place them in a colander to drain completely.

Prepare the Lemongrass, Calamansi, and Chili Peppers

Peel off the outer layers of the lemongrass stalks, trim the roots, and remove the top leaves. Rinse and slice the lemongrass diagonally into long strips.

Soak the calamansi in salt water, rinse thoroughly, and drain. Then slice them into round slices about half a centimeter thick. To prevent the chicken feet with lemongrass and calamansi from becoming bitter, make sure to remove the seeds.

sliced calamansi

Rinse the bird's eye and horn chili peppers, trim the stems, and slice them diagonally.

Make the Marinating Liquid

This step is crucial as it determines the flavor of the chicken feet with lemongrass and calamansi. Use the following ratio to prepare the marinating liquid: Boil 1.1 liters of vinegar, then mix in 800g of sugar, 400ml of fish sauce, 22g of rock salt, and 400ml of water. Stir well to dissolve the ingredients, then let the mixture cool completely.

marinating liquid for chicken feet
The mixture must be completely cool

If you prefer a stronger flavor, you can add an extra 1-2g of rock salt.

Marinate the Chicken Feet with Lemongrass and Calamansi

Arrange the chicken feet in a jar, layering them with the lemongrass, calamansi, and chili peppers. Continue layering until all the chicken feet, lemongrass, calamansi, and chili peppers are used. Pour the marinating liquid over the chicken feet, ensuring they are completely submerged. Seal the jar and store it in a cool, dry place.

arranging chicken feet in a jar

With this method, the chicken feet will be ready to eat after 6-7 hours of marinating. If you don’t finish them all at once, store the jar in the refrigerator to slow the fermentation process and extend the shelf life of the dish.

jar of marinated chicken feet with lemongrass and calamansi

Final Product Requirements

The chicken feet are crisp, and the flavors of sour, spicy, salty, and sweet blend perfectly. The marinating liquid is free from scum, sliminess, and bitterness, with a fragrance that is incredibly appetizing.

jar of chicken feet with lemongrass and calamansi
The jar of chicken feet with lemongrass and calamansi can be enjoyed after 6 hours of marinating

When eating chicken feet with lemongrass and calamansi, you should dip them in a bit of chili sauce, or in lime pepper salt with Vietnamese coriander. This dish is not only a popular snack among young people but also an irresistible appetizer for men during drinking sessions.

Tips & Notes

  • It's best to choose industrial chicken feet, as they have more tender meat and won't shrink or toughen like free-range chicken feet.
    industrial chicken feet
  • To prevent the chicken feet from becoming bitter, remove the seeds from the calamansi and avoid cooking the calamansi.
  • To ensure the marinated chicken feet do not become slimy, in addition to thoroughly cleaning off any remaining fat after boiling, you need to follow three key steps:
    1. First, make sure the marinating liquid is completely cool before pouring it over the chicken feet.
    2. Second, the jar used for marinating must be clean and dry before adding the chicken feet.
    3. Third, every time you take out the chicken feet to eat, ensure that the utensils used are clean and dry.
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