How to Make Vietnamese Braised Fish with Green Bananas

29 Tháng 09, 2024 5 minute read

Here’s how to braise fish with green bananas, a rich and flavorful dish. After braising, the bananas become tender and full of flavor, creating a deliciously hearty meal.

Cá kho chuối xanh
Braised Fish with Green Bananas
Servings: 3
Prep Time: 40 phút
Cook Time: 3 giờ


  • 2 pieces of fish (~650g)
  • 4 green bananas
  • 300g pork belly
  • 2 shallots
  • 1 large galangal root (~20g)
  • 1 piece of ginger (~20g)
  • 2-3 spicy chilies
  • 1 piece of turmeric
  • Coarse salt
  • Seasonings: fish sauce, soy sauce, sugar, MSG, ground pepper, chili sauce
Nguyên liệu làm Cá kho chuối xanh

Ingredient Notes

2 pieces of grass carpYou can use grass carp, carp, or snakehead fish for this recipe. Cookbeo uses grass carp here.


Prepare the Fish

Clean the grass carp by scraping off the scales and removing the black membrane inside the belly. Rub the fish with coarse salt, rinse well, and let it drain.

To ensure the fish absorbs the flavors well and doesn't fall apart during braising, cut the fish into pieces about the thickness of a finger.

Marinate the fish with 1 tablespoon of fish sauce to enhance the flavor and firm up the flesh. You can also add a bit of ground pepper for extra aroma.

Prepare Other Ingredients

Rub the pork belly with coarse salt, rinse thoroughly, and cut into cubes or matchstick-sized pieces. Don't cut the pieces too small as they may become too soft after braising.

Peel and trim the ends of the green bananas, then wash them. Prepare a bowl of water mixed with 1/2 tablespoon of salt and soak the bananas to remove their sticky sap and prevent browning.

Slice the bananas diagonally into 2 cm thick pieces, which will help them retain their shape during braising. Soak them in the salted water until ready to cook, then rinse to remove excess salt.

Crush and peel the shallots, ginger, and turmeric. Slice the galangal diagonally. Lightly crush the chilies.

Preparing the bananas, pork, and ginger
Preparing the ingredients

Once the ingredients are ready, layer the pot with galangal, shallots, chilies, pork belly, and green bananas. Place the fish on top, then add more bananas and pork belly on top of the fish.

Arranging the fish and bananas in the pot
Arranging the ingredients in the pot

Make Caramel for Braising

Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of cooking oil to a pot. Heat over low flame, spreading the sugar evenly in the pot. As the sugar melts, stir gently until it turns into a light golden caramel.

Making caramel sauce
Making caramel sauce

Once the caramel turns a light amber color, add 1 tablespoon of fish sauce and 1 tablespoon of boiling water. Stir quickly to prevent the caramel from hardening. When the mixture starts to boil, remove from heat and pour the caramel into the pot with the fish and bananas.

Pouring caramel sauce into the fish pot
Pouring caramel sauce into the fish pot

Braise the Fish with Green Bananas

Place the pot on the stove and season with 1 tablespoon of fish sauce, 1/2 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of chili sauce, 1 tablespoon of MSG, 1/2 tablespoon of seasoning powder, and 1/2 tablespoon of ground pepper. Add enough boiling water to cover the fish.

Cook over high heat for 5-7 minutes until the pot reaches a rolling boil, which helps the fish firm up. Then lower the heat and simmer the fish gently on low heat.

Braise the fish for about 3 hours over low heat. During this time, the fish will absorb the flavors and become tender, while the bones soften slightly. Adjust the seasonings as needed during cooking to suit your taste.

Braising the fish with green bananas
Braising the fish over low heat for about 3 hours

When the fish is fully cooked, increase the heat slightly for about 2 minutes to firm up the fish before serving. This step helps keep the fish intact and prevents it from falling apart after long cooking. It also thickens the sauce and enhances the color. You can drizzle a bit of oil over the fish for added shine and flavor.

Dish of braised fish with green bananas
Transfer the fish, pork, and bananas to a serving dish.
Braised fish with green bananas and pork belly
The fish is tender, and the green bananas are soft and flavorful, making for a delicious and hearty meal.
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