How to Make Vietnamese Silkie Chicken Stewed with Chinese Herbs

30 Tháng 08, 2024

To make silkie chicken stewed with Chinese herbs with a sweet, flavorful broth, it’s best to cook it on low heat. If you're using mugwort and don’t like the bitterness, you can try the method shared by Cookbeo below.

Gà ác hầm thuốc bắc
Silkie Chicken Stewed with Chinese Herbs
Servings: 3
Prep Time: 30 phút
Cook Time: 1 giờ 15 phút


  • 3 silkie chickens ~ 900g-1kg
  • 1 packet of Chinese herb mix ~ 60g
  • 70g red dates
  • 100g lotus seeds (either dried or fresh)
  • 1 large bunch of mugwort ~ 300g
  • 1 piece of ginger, 1 piece of turmeric, 2 shallots
  • Coarse salt
  • 30g mung beans, 30g sticky rice
  • Seasonings: Fish sauce, MSG, seasoning powder, honey
  • Salt, pepper, and lime for dipping the chicken
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Ingredient Notes

For this dish, you can use free-range chicken or silkie chicken (also known as black chicken). Avoid using industrially farmed chicken as the meat tends to be soft and lacks the firmness and sweetness of free-range or silkie chicken. Most people opt for silkie chicken due to its smaller size, firm meat, and high nutritional content.

silkie chickenThe price of silkie chicken usually ranges from 70,000-80,000 VND per bird, depending on the size.

mugwortYou can choose whether or not to add mugwort when making this herbal stew.


Prepare the Silkie Chicken

After plucking the silkie chicken, rub the outside skin, inside the throat, and the cavity with coarse salt to clean and reduce any odors. Remove the tail and claws for a cleaner presentation. Rinse the chicken thoroughly and let it drain.

For a delicious silkie chicken stewed with Chinese herbs, Cookbeo recommends a special technique: lightly roasting the chicken before stewing. This not only adds flavor but also helps the skin become firmer and prevents it from breaking during long cooking.

lightly roasted silkie chicken
Lightly roasted silkie chicken using an air fryer

You can use a kitchen torch to sear the chicken, or roast it in a microwave or air fryer to dry the skin slightly. If using an air fryer, set it to 180°C (356°F) and roast the chicken for about 9 minutes, flipping it to evenly dry all sides.

Once the chicken is lightly roasted, place it in a large bowl and marinate with:

  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • 1/2 tablespoon ground pepper
  • 1 tablespoon honey

Rub the marinade evenly over the chicken and let it sit for 20-30 minutes. The honey will help the stewed chicken taste sweeter, smoother, and more fragrant.

Marinating silkie chicken

Prepare the Other Ingredients

Open the packet of Chinese herb mix, place the contents in a colander, rinse thoroughly, and let them drain.

Blanch fresh lotus seeds briefly to reduce bitterness, then when the water boils, drain, rinse, and let them dry. If using dried lotus seeds, rinse and soak them in water for 20-30 minutes to soften.

Blanching lotus seeds

Soak the red dates in water for about 10 minutes, then rinse and let them dry.

Soaking red dates

Rinse the sticky rice and mung beans thoroughly.

Sticky rice and mung beans

Wash the ginger and turmeric, peel the shallots, and slice everything thinly.

Pick the green leaves and tender tops of the mugwort. Then soak and wash them in salted water, and drain.

To reduce the bitterness of the mugwort, you can blanch it briefly, rinse, and squeeze it dry. Alternatively, you can stir-fry the mugwort with a little cooking oil.

Stew the Silkie Chicken with Chinese Herbs and Mugwort

Layer the Chinese herb mix at the bottom of the pot, followed by the mung beans and sticky rice, then the lotus seeds, red dates, and mugwort. Place the chicken on top, then add the remaining mugwort around it.

Arranging ingredients for stewing silkie chicken

For a more visually appealing presentation when serving, you can reserve some red dates, lotus seeds, and mugwort to add later, about 20 minutes before turning off the heat (for the red dates and lotus seeds) and 5 minutes before (for the mugwort). This way, the red dates will retain their bright color, the lotus seeds will stay whole, and the mugwort will remain vibrant green.

Add enough water to just cover the chicken, then cover the pot and start cooking. The key to making delicious silkie chicken stewed with Chinese herbs, or any herbal stew, is to cook it over low heat. The cooking time should be at least 1 hour. Occasionally skim off any foam to keep the broth clear and clean.

Stewing silkie chicken with Chinese herbs

After more than an hour of stewing, season the broth to taste, keeping it slightly light to maintain its delicate flavor. Finally, transfer the chicken to a bowl, ladle the broth over it, and serve hot. You can dip the chicken in salt, pepper, and lime juice for extra flavor.

Silkie chicken stewed with Chinese herbs

Silkie chicken stewed with Chinese herbs has a distinct aroma, combining a light, sweet fragrance with the rich taste of the herbs. The chicken is tender and flavorful, the lotus seeds and red dates are soft and slightly nutty, while the mung beans and sticky rice add a creamy texture to the broth. The slight bitterness of the mugwort pairs perfectly with the stewed chicken, creating a harmonious dish.

Silkie chicken stewed with Chinese herbs


Additional Information

Silkie chicken has a rich flavor profile, combining sweetness, saltiness, a strong aroma, and warmth. It is higher in the antioxidant Carnosine compared to other types of chicken, low in fat, and high in protein.

Silkie chicken is particularly effective in boosting health for those recovering from illness, suffering from flu, or needing to strengthen their bones, cardiovascular health, and digestive system, especially during menstruation.

It is also beneficial for pregnant women as it helps supplement iron and reduces the risk of anemia during pregnancy. This is why silkie chicken is often used in herbal stews. However, pregnant women should consult with a healthcare professional regarding the appropriate amount to consume, and it’s generally advised to eat this dish only 1-2 times per week to avoid excess nutrients or overheating the body.

Moreover, people with high blood pressure are advised against consuming herbal stews made with silkie chicken, as the chicken is high in cholesterol, and the herbs used, like ginseng and astragalus, have a strong yang energy. Those suffering from dental infections, pneumonia, or colds are also advised to avoid this dish.

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