How to Make Vietnamese Vegetable Salad

24 Tháng 09, 2024 4 minute read

Try making a mixed vegetable salad with roasted sesame dressing, a delicious, refreshing, and nutritious dish shared by Cookbeo in the recipe below to help with weight loss.

cách làm salad rau củ
Mixed Vegetable Salad with Roasted Sesame Dressing
Servings: 3
Prep Time: 15 phút
Cook Time: 2 phút


  • Lettuce/Curly endive: 100g
  • Cherry tomatoes: 7-8
  • Cucumber: 1
  • Apple: 1
  • Jicama: 1 small
  • Purple cabbage: 1/2 head
  • Roasted sesame dressing
nguyên liệu làm salad rau


Prepare the ingredients

preparing vegetables for salad
Preparing lettuce, tomatoes, purple cabbage, cucumber, apple...

Salad involves mixing different ingredients, mainly fresh vegetables and fruits. Therefore, careful preparation is necessary to ensure cleanliness. If possible, choose organic vegetables for the best quality.

Separate the lettuce leaves, rinse, and soak them in diluted salt water for about 10 minutes. Then, rinse again, drain, and cut into 2cm pieces.

Soak the purple cabbage in salt water, rinse, and shred into thin strips. Let it drain.

Soak the cherry tomatoes in salt water, rinse, and cut them in half when dry.

Rinse and peel the apple, then dice it. If keeping the peel, soak the apple in salt water.

Rinse and peel the jicama, then dice it like the apple.

Soak the cucumber in salt water, peel or leave the skin on as desired, and cut it into small pieces similar to the apple and jicama.

All vegetables and fruits should be soaked in diluted salt water before preparation!

Mix the vegetable salad with roasted sesame dressing

mixing vegetables with roasted sesame dressing
Mixing the salad

Place all the prepared ingredients in a large bowl, then drizzle the roasted sesame dressing on top. With the amount of ingredients mentioned above, about 3 tablespoons of dressing should be enough. If you prefer a stronger flavor, you can add more dressing.

roasted sesame dressing
Roasted sesame dressing

Wear gloves and gently toss the salad to ensure the vegetables and fruits are evenly coated with the dressing. Then plate the salad and enjoy.

This vegetable and fruit salad with roasted sesame dressing is fragrant and refreshing.

vegetable and fruit salad
The fresh vegetables and fruits are sweet and pair wonderfully with the sesame dressing, making it easy and delicious to eat.

Tips & Notes

  • You can combine various vegetables to enhance the flavors of the salad. However, since the vegetables are eaten raw, make sure to soak them in salt water to remove dirt, worms, and parasites from the leaves.
  • To ensure safety, the vegetables should be completely dry before mixing.
  • To prevent the salad from becoming mushy, toss the vegetables gently and avoid overmixing.
  • You can also pair the salad with shredded boiled chicken breast, steamed salmon, boiled eggs, or bacon for added flavor and nutrition. This is especially suitable for those looking to lose weight or detoxify their bodies.
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