How to Make Vietnamese Clams Stir-Fried with Lemongrass and Chili

02 Tháng 09, 2024

An absolutely delicious recipe for stir-fried clams with lemongrass and chili served with sesame rice crackers, shared by Cookbeo. This method ensures the clams are aromatic, rich, and free from any fishy smell. The dish is also made more visually appealing and flavorful by incorporating a variety of additional ingredients.

Hến xào sả ớt
Clams Stir-Fried with Lemongrass and Chili
Servings: 4
Prep Time: 2 giờ
Cook Time: 30 phút


  • 5kg clams
  • 5 stalks lemongrass
  • 3-4 hot chilies
  • 1 onion (~120g)
  • 1 red chili pepper
  • 3 shallots
  • 5-6 garlic cloves
  • 1 large piece of ginger
  • 1 bunch Vietnamese coriander
  • 50g peanuts
  • Sesame rice crackers
  • Seasonings: Cooking oil, annatto oil, chili paste, MSG, seasoning powder, fish sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, ground pepper, sugar

Ingredient Notes

Chili paste adds spice, helping to eliminate any fishy odor from the clams while enhancing the dish's flavor. If you prefer a milder dish, you can use non-spicy chili powder or omit it altogether. Annatto oil adds color to the dish, but if you prefer the natural color of the clams, you can skip this ingredient.


Preparing the Clams

Rinse the clams and soak them in water for about 2-3 hours before cooking to clean them thoroughly. Add a few slices of fresh chili to the water or use rice-washing water to help the clams release sand and dirt more quickly. Change the water occasionally and gently rub the clams to remove any remaining slime.

Preparing Other Ingredients

Mince the shallots, garlic, ginger, lemongrass, and chili. Reserve a portion of the ginger, slicing or crushing it to use later when boiling the clams, as it adds fragrance and warmth since clams are considered cooling.

If you prefer a milder dish, remove the seeds from the chili or use a milder variety like red bell pepper.

Deseed the red chili pepper and cut it into thin strips. This chili will be used as a garnish.

Pick and wash the Vietnamese coriander thoroughly in salt water, then drain and chop it finely. Keep some aside for garnishing along with the sliced red chili pepper.

Roast the peanuts until golden, let them cool, then remove the skins and crush them coarsely. Avoid crushing them too finely to retain their crunchy, nutty texture.

Boiling the Clams

After soaking, rinse the clams thoroughly and let them drain.

Add enough water to a pot to fully submerge the clams, then add the sliced ginger. Bring the water to a rolling boil, then add the clams and cook over high heat.

Once the water reaches a full boil again, stir the clams to help them open and release the meat from the shells. Turn off the heat and remove the clams. Reserve the clam broth by straining the clear liquid, which can be used to make soups. Check out some clam soup recipes here.

Shucking the Clams

To quickly shuck the clams, you'll need a small mesh strainer. Fill a basin with water, then place the clams in the strainer and submerge it in the water. Stir the clams vigorously to separate the meat from the shells. Tilt the strainer slightly to allow the clam meat to float out. Repeat this process until all the clams have been shucked.

Although shucking fresh clams adds an extra step, the meat will taste fresher and more flavorful compared to pre-shucked clams sold in supermarkets. Follow this method shared by Cookbeo to make it easier and quicker to prepare delicious clam dishes. Once you get the hang of it, shucking clams won't take much time at all.

For 5kg of clams, you can expect to yield about 500g of clam meat after shucking.

After shucking, rinse the clam meat thoroughly, removing any remaining shells, impurities, or algae. This will ensure your stir-fried clams are clean and won't have any gritty texture when eaten. Even if you buy pre-shucked clams, Cookbeo recommends rubbing them with coarse salt and rinsing them clean to achieve the best results.

Once cleaned, drain the clam meat, then season with 1 teaspoon of seasoning powder and a pinch of ground pepper. Mix well and let the clams marinate for about 15 minutes.

Cooking the Stir-Fried Clams with Lemongrass and Chili

Heat 4 tablespoons of cooking oil in a pan. Once hot, add the minced lemongrass, ginger, garlic, shallots, and chili. Sauté until fragrant. Once the mixture is aromatic, remove half of it from the pan to add later, just before finishing the dish, to enhance the fragrance.

To the remaining sautéed ingredients in the pan, add 1 teaspoon of chili paste (or chili powder) and 1 tablespoon of annatto oil. Stir well, then add the clam meat and stir-fry over high heat.

Once the clams have absorbed the oil, add the chopped onion and stir well. Season to taste with 1/2 teaspoon of MSG, 1 teaspoon of soy sauce, 2 teaspoons of oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon of fish sauce, 1.5 teaspoons of seasoning powder, and 1 teaspoon of sugar to balance the clam's strong flavor. Adjust the seasoning to your preference.

After seasoning, add the reserved sautéed ingredients along with the chopped Vietnamese coriander, sprinkle with ground pepper, stir well, and continue stir-frying for another 5-6 seconds before turning off the heat.

Arrange the chopped Vietnamese coriander around the edge of a serving plate, then garnish with the sliced red chili pepper. Scoop the stir-fried clams onto the plate.

Stir-fried clams with lemongrass and chili is a wonderfully fragrant dish with a rich, rustic flavor. The sweet and slightly briny clams, crunchy onions, and the aromatic blend of lemongrass, garlic, ginger, and Vietnamese coriander create a simple yet delicious dish. Enjoy it with sesame rice crackers for a delightful combination of flavors and textures. If you don't have sesame rice crackers, you can use shrimp chips instead.

In addition to stir-frying clams with lemongrass and chili, you can also try stir-frying clams with Vietnamese coriander for another simple and appetizing dish. Clams are not only tasty but also nutritious, offering benefits such as improving circulation, detoxifying the body, aiding digestion, and supporting liver health.


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